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prohibited drugs中文是什么意思

用"prohibited drugs"造句"prohibited drugs"怎么读"prohibited drugs" in a sentence


  • 禁用药


  • Analysis of some prohibited drugs in chinese herb extracts by hplc ms
  • To build the information system in order to strenthen the work of information collecting , to improve the cooperation between law enforcements in order to establish the stategy of prohibiting drug , and to strike the drug crime thoroughly by cooperation among united nations committee on drug crime , international criminal police organization and the law enforcement of other countries
    4 、大力加强隐蔽斗争,建立秘密力量,采用内线侦查、外线监控相结合的方法和控制下交付的侦查策略,组织专案侦查。 5 、积极加强情报工作,广辟情报来源,建立系统的情报收集、处理网络,为缉毒侦查服务。
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